Temple will help to protect from strong neighbours.

Gods Favour
Gods Favour
per hour
1 0 0 1 000 0 0 1003
2 0 5 000 5 000 500 0 1504
3 0 10 000 10 000 1 000 0 2005
4 0 20 000 20 000 2 000 0 2506
5 0 40 000 40 000 3 000 0 3007
6 0 60 000 60 000 4 000 25 3508
7 080 000 80 000 5 000 50 4009


400 000

800 000

800 000

100 000




Temple can only be built in Capital.

According to the Temple’s level a certain number of Gods Favour points are accumulated with a certain rate. The points are spent for asking the Gods’ protection from a specific player for a certain period of time. In course of this time the specified players will not be able to attack any of your domains. However, you won’t be able to attack the player you asked protection from too.
Once every two days you can buy additional 300 points of Gods Favour for the Black Gems. The points will be added to those you have already had.

Click the Temple building and enter the nickname of the player you want to be protected from. Every 10 Gods Favour points give you protection for 1 hour. In other words, the player will not be able to launch attacks against ANY of your domains for one hour. You can’t ask for protection from more than 20 players at the same time.

You can’t ask for protection from a player who has already launched an attack against you. You should ask for protection in advance. Also, you can’t ask for protection from a player you’ve attacked during last 24 hours.

Gods’ protection affects only the possibility or the impossibility to launch an attack.
EXAMPLE: You and your adversary are attacking the same Pit with purpose of seizure. You’ve asked for protection from the adversary. If you come to the Pit and seize it first, the battle with the adversary will happen nevertheless. At the same time the adversary won’t be able to launch new attacks against you.

The applied God`s protection remains active for the usual time, even if the Temple gets destroyed. However what is left of Gods Favour points will vanish.

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