This page (revision-28) was last changed on 27-Jan-2024 00:24 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:39 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
28 27-Jan-2024 00:24 18 KB Administrator to previous
27 10-May-2022 20:14 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last
26 09-Sep-2021 17:27 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 29-Apr-2021 13:29 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 10 changed one line
2. making Artefacts "perfect";\\
2. making Artifacts "perfect";\\
At line 24 changed one line
At line 31 changed one line
!2. Perfection of Artefacts
!2. Perfection of Artifacts
At line 33 changed 2 lines
There are 5 slots for Crystals of each type and 3 slots for Artefacts or Scrolls around the Altar.\\
And there is a slot for the Artefact you want to make "perfect" in the middle. If you place an Artefact in the slot you will be able to see the characteristics of the Artefact after upgrade.\\
There are 5 slots for Crystals of each type and 3 slots for Artifacts or Scrolls around the Altar.\\
And there is a slot for the Artifact you want to make "perfect" in the middle. If you place an Artifact in the slot you will be able to see the characteristics of the Artifact after upgrade.\\
At line 36 changed one line
Perfection of an Artefact requires 5 Crystals, 2 any Artefacts of the same level (with the one that is upgraded), and a Scroll. \\
Perfection of an Artifact requires 5 Crystals, 2 any Artifacts of the same level (with the one that is upgraded), and a Scroll. \\
At line 38 changed one line
Perfection is completed on clicking the "Make Artefact perfect" button.\\
Perfection is completed on clicking the "Make Artifact perfect" button.\\
At line 40 changed one line
"Perfect" Artefact costs more than similar not-perfect.\\
"Perfect" Artifact costs more than similar not-perfect.\\
At line 52 changed one line
Hero of a player or a Monster Hero gets Crystals into possession in the course of the "Robbery" mission. Only player who have the "Alchemy" science studied can steal Crystals. \\
Hero of a player or a Monster Hero gets Crystals into possession in the course of the "Robbery" mission. Only player who have the "Alchemy" science studied can steal Crystals. \\
At line 61 changed 2 lines
Crystals cannot be stolen from the hero's bag if the hero is in the Sanctuary.\\
Crystal are not stolen from the assisting Hero.\\
Crystals cannot be stolen from the hero's bag if the hero is in the Sanctuary.\\
Crystal are not stolen from the assisting Hero.\\
At line 75 changed one line
Crystals and other Magic Items do not interfere each other, meaning that a Crystal and, for example, an Artefact can be found by a player in the same Ruin. \\
Crystals and other Magic Items do not interfere each other, meaning that a Crystal and, for example, an Artifact can be found by a player in the same Ruin. \\
At line 80 changed 2 lines
1 Crystal takes 1 slot in the Hero's Bag or in the Vault. \\
Several Crystals of the same type cannot be placed at the Altar.\\
1 Crystal takes 1 slot in the Hero's Bag or in the Vault. \\
Several Crystals of the same type cannot be placed at the Altar.\\
At line 93 changed one line
To __ convert an artifact into an ancient one__, place it onto the central slot of the Alchemy altar and click the button «Convert into ancient». The cost of converting is half the price of the final artifact. With that all additional effects applied to the artifact (crystals, runes, and rune words) remain unchanged. The conversion does not consider any items placed in other Altar slots. The cost of converstion of the artifact will be displayed next to the Conversion button.
To __ convert an artifact into an ancient one__, place it onto the central slot of the Alchemy altar and click the button «Convert into ancient». The cost of converting is half the price of the final artifact. With that all additional effects applied to the artifact (crystals, runes, and rune words) remain unchanged. The conversion does not consider any items placed in other Altar slots. The cost of converstion of the artifact will be displayed next to the Conversion button.
At line 95 changed one line
[{Image src='cia.png' align='center' }]
[{Image src='cia.png' align='center' }]
At line 109 changed one line
||\\__Ur__|[{Image src='u.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\__+10%__ hero`s experience in battles
||\\__Ur__|[{Image src='u.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\__+10%__ hero`s experience in battles
At line 113 changed one line
||\\ __Tir__|[{Image src='t.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\ __-5%__ enemy’s attack in battles \\against Monster race
||\\ __Tir__|[{Image src='t.png' align='center'}]|\\ \\ __-5%__ enemy’s attack in battles \\against Monster race
At line 115 changed one line
||\\__Ior__|[{Image src='ia.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __-2%__ mission duration of hero squad
||\\__Ior__|[{Image src='ia.png' align='center'}]| \\ \\ __-2%__ mission duration of hero squad
At line 119 changed one line
The Runes are enlisted in level ascending order from Feoh to Haegl. For example, three Feoh runes can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level – the Ur rune. \\
The Runes are enlisted in level ascending order from Feoh to Haegl. For example, three Feoh runes can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level – the Ur rune. \\
At line 122 changed one line
The Runes appear in ancient monster estates – the [Stonehenges|stonehenge] which can be discovered only by Suzerains with the help of explorers. When a new Stonehenge appears on the map, one of the 9 Runes is randomly generated in the bag of its monster hero. The higher the level of the Rune, the less often it appears in Stonehenges and the stronger the monster garrison defending it. If winning an attack against Stonehenge, the attacker (mission’s initiator) gets its Rune, provided s/he has the second level of the Alchemy science studied and there is at least one free slot in the bag of initiator’s hero.\\
The Runes appear in ancient monster estates – the [Stonehenges|stonehenge] which can be discovered only by Suzerains with the help of explorers. When a new Stonehenge appears on the map, one of the 9 Runes is randomly generated in the bag of its monster hero. The higher the level of the Rune, the less often it appears in Stonehenges and the stronger the monster garrison defending it. If winning an attack against Stonehenge, the attacker (mission’s initiator) gets its Rune, provided s/he has the second level of the Alchemy science studied and there is at least one free slot in the bag of initiator’s hero.\\
At line 128 changed one line
Magical rituals with runes can be performed in Treasury’s [Runemaster|Artefact_store] tab (and in the Hero window). \\
Magical rituals with runes can be performed in Treasury’s [Runemaster|Artifact_store] tab (and in the Hero window). \\
At line 137 changed one line
At the Runemaster`s, you can restore the Runes from an engraved artifact and therefore use them again. In order to do so, place an artifact engraved with runic signs into the Runemaster`s slots and click the button «__Restore runes__». When performing the ritual, there must not be any other objects besides the artifact in the slots. Upon performing the ritual, the player gets the artifact (free from any runic sings) and the runes of the respective runic sings. The ritual can be performed only for Black Gems.\\
At the Runemaster`s, you can restore the Runes from an engraved artifact and therefore use them again. In order to do so, place an artifact engraved with runic signs into the Runemaster`s slots and click the button «__Restore runes__». When performing the ritual, there must not be any other objects besides the artifact in the slots. Upon performing the ritual, the player gets the artifact (free from any runic sings) and the runes of the respective runic sings. The ritual can be performed only for Black Gems.\\
At line 141 changed one line
If needed, three runes of the same level can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level at the Runemaster`s. Once done, the ritual can`t be reversed.\\
If needed, three runes of the same level can be upgraded into 1 rune of the next level at the Runemaster`s. Once done, the ritual can`t be reversed.\\