This page (revision-28) was last changed on 27-Jan-2024 00:24 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:39 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
28 27-Jan-2024 00:24 18 KB Administrator to previous
27 10-May-2022 20:14 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last
26 09-Sep-2021 17:27 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 29-Apr-2021 13:29 13 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 29-Apr-2021 13:39 10 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 2 changed one line
The second level of this science makes it possible for player to rob Runes in [Stonehenges|Stonehenge] and to perform runic rituals for artifacts` enhancement.\\
The second level of this science makes it possible for player to rob Runes in [Stonehenges|Stonehenge] and to perform runic rituals for artifacts` enhancement.The third level allows to rob recipes.\\
At line 148 added 22 lines
||\\__Master of Exchange 1 lvl__|[{Image src='1_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a random lvl 1 artifact out of 1 lvl 1 artifact. \\
||\\__Master of Exchange 2 lvl__|[{Image src='1_2.png' align='center'}]|\\ Creates a random lvl 2 artifact out of 1 lvl 2 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 3 lvl__|[{Image src='1_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 3 artifact out of 1 lvl 3 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 4 lvl__|[{Image src='1_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 4 artifact out of 1 lvl 4 artifact.\\
||\\__Master of Exchange 5 lvl__|[{Image src='1_5.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 5 artifact out of 1 lvl 5 artifact (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 1 lvl__|[{Image src='2_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a random lvl 2 artifact out of 2 lvl 1 artifacts\\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 2 lvl__|[{Image src='2_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 3 artifact out of 2 lvl 2 artifacts \\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 3 lvl__|[{Image src='2_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 4 artifact out of 2 lvl 3 artifacts \\
||\\__Quantity into Quality 4 lvl__|[{Image src='2_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a random lvl 5 artifact out of 2 lvl 4 artifacts (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__The Right Choice 1 lvl__|[{Image src='3_1.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a lvl 1 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 1 artifact\\
||\\__The Right Choice 2 lvl__|[{Image src='3_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 2 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 2 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 3 lvl__|[{Image src='3_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 3 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 3 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 4 lvl__|[{Image src='3_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Creates a lvl 4 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 4 artifact \\
||\\__The Right Choice 5 lvl__|[{Image src='3_5.png' align='center'}]|\\Creates a lvl 5 artifact of your choice out of 1 lvl 5 artifact (except artifacts from the Royal set and the High Elf set).\\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\1 lvl__|[{Image src='4_1.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 1 rune from an artifact without spending BG\\
||\\__Extraction of Runes\\2 lvl__|[{Image src='4_2.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 2 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\3 lvl__|[{Image src='4_3.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 3 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes\\4 lvl__|[{Image src='4_4.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 4 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\
||\\__Extraction of Runes \\5 lvl__|[{Image src='4_5.png' align='center'}]| \\Allows you to extract 5 runes from an artifact without spending BG \\