This page (revision-133) was last changed on 14-Aug-2024 16:18 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:37 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
133 14-Aug-2024 16:18 7 KB Administrator to previous
132 29-Apr-2021 13:49 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
131 29-Apr-2021 13:37 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
130 29-Apr-2021 13:37 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
129 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
128 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
127 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
126 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
125 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
124 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last Fraction ==> Factions
123 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
122 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
121 29-Apr-2021 13:37 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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At line 50 changed one line
__In the and of Battle round of Ressurection takes place__\\
__In the end of battle the "Resurrection" round takes place__\\
At line 58 changed one line
На подмогу не распространяется бонус защиты от [Укреплений|Fortification].
Defence Bonus from [Fortifications|Fortification] does not afftect assistant troops.
At line 62 changed 4 lines
В бою учитываются бонусы-дисбонусы:
1. [по расе/фракции|Fraction],
2. бонус родной земли,
3. бонус других террайнов.\\
Attack/Defence Bonuses and Penalties are considered in the course of battle:\\
1. [Race/Fraction|Fraction] Penalties, \\
2. Native Land Bonus,\\
3. other Terrains Bonuses and Penalties.\\
At line 67 changed one line
2.__Бонус родной земли__ - на своем расовом террайне бонус к защите войск, ед.\\
2.__Native Land Bonus__ - Defence Bonus.\\
At line 69 changed one line
| |Волшебные леса |Проклятые леса |Священная земля |Мёртвая земля
| |Magic Forest |Cursed Forrest |Holy Land |Deadland
At line 71 changed 4 lines
|Эльфы |+25 защиты | | |
|Темные эльфы| |+25 защиты | |
|Рыцари| | |+25 защиты |
| Демоны| | | |+25 защиты
|Elves |+25 Defence | | |
|Drow| |+25 Defence | |
|Knights| | |+25 Defence |
| Demons| | | |+25 Defence
At line 77 changed 2 lines
3.__Бонус других террайнов__ - бонус к атаке войск,%:__\\
| |Горы |Пустыня| Лес |Степь |Подземелье
3. Other__Terrains Bonuses/penalties__ - Attack Bonus/Penalty,%:__\\
| |Mountains |Desert| Forest |Steppe |Underground
At line 80 changed 5 lines
|Воин | -50%| 50% | | |
|Всадник | | |-50% |50% |
|Летающий|50% | -50%| | |
|Стрелок | | | 50%| -50% |
|Наёмник | | | | | -50%
|Warrior | -50%| 50% | | |
|Cavalry | | |-50% |50% |
|Airborne|50% | -50%| | |
|Archer | | | 50%| -50% |
|Mercenary | | | | | -50%
At line 90 changed 4 lines
__Информация о вражеском гарнизоне.__\\
Атакующий не видит в боевом отчете войска защищающегося, если :\\
* у атакующего все войска погибли на укреплениях,
* или на начало 1-го раунда у атакующего оставалось количественно в 20 раз меньше войск, чем у защищающегося, и атакующий проиграл бой за 1 раунд и потерял все войска. \\
__Enemy garrison information.__\\
Attacker will not see enemy troops in the Battle Report:\\
* if all attacking units were killed at Fortifications,
* or if by the 1st round there are 20 times less attacking units than defending, and thus - the Attacker lost all units in the course of the 1 round.\\