This page (revision-9) was last changed on 29-Apr-2021 13:45 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:41 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
9 29-Apr-2021 13:45 2 KB Administrator to previous
8 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
7 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
5 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
4 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
3 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
2 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 29-Apr-2021 13:41 2 KB Administrator to last

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At line 1 added 3 lines
__Camp__ - is a mobile domain that is used as springboard for quick attacks.\\
At line 2 changed one line
The Hero is required for this mission. \\
A Hero is required for this mission. \\
At line 7 changed 2 lines
When the troops reach the square and it is good for city foundation the domain "Camp" will be created.\\
If the square cannot be used the mission returns and the player receives the message: Camp cannot be founded.\\
When the troops reach the square and if it is good for city foundation the domain "Camp" will be created.\\
If the square cannot be used, the mission returns and the player receives the message: Camp cannot be founded.\\
At line 14 added one line
If the Merchants die, they will not be restored.\\
At line 27 changed one line
__Camp destruction.__
__Camp Destruction.__
At line 37 changed one line
When the Camp is destroyed the survived troops and the Hero start the escape mission to the nearest city. \\
When the Camp is destroyed the survived troops and the Hero start the Escape mission to the nearest city. \\
At line 39 removed 10 lines
The Player can release all own Heroes from the domain where they are kept prisoners in case of a successful "__Hero Release__" mission. \\
Selection of the mission "Hero Release" is available only when clicking on domains with imprisoned Heroes.\\
Moreover, when attacking the domain where the hero is kept prisoner the Player can choose other mission types.\\
Any player can join the "Hero Release" mission. \\
Only Heroes of players that participated in the attack will be released. \\
After the Hero is released he/she returns to the Capital of the owner with the "Escape" mission. \\