This page (revision-27) was last changed on 29-Apr-2021 13:27 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:34 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 29-Apr-2021 13:27 7 KB Administrator to previous
26 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 29-Apr-2021 13:34 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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Можно отправлять следующие боевые миссии:\\
* [Грабеж_ресурсов|Attack_Respurses]
* [Захват_рабов|Attack_People]
* [Разрушение_зданий|Attack_Destroy]
* [Захват_владения|Attack_Capture]
Each unit has three basic parameters - __Attack__, __Health __and __Defence__.\\
In the battle Attack decreases the enemy's health. \\
The third parameter (Defence) decreases received damage. Max Defence value cannot exceed 50. Bonuses that increase Defence higher than 50 are cut, in this case the Defence value is shown in yellow. \\
__Example__: Units with Defence value 10 will receive 11.1% less Damage (in other words, their Health value increases by 11.1%). Units with Defence value 20 will receive 25% less Damage (in other words, their Health value increases by 25%). Units with Defence value 50 will receive only half Damage (their Health increases by 100%). This shows that with Defence increase, the effect increases almost in an exponantial way.
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Paramater restrictions:
__Minimal:__ not less than 0.\\
__Maximal:__ not more than 50. All bonuses that should make defence above 50 don`t count, in that case the digits become yellow. \\
In case applying scrolls to maximal amount of maximal defence - not more than 75.\\
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__Maximal:__ not restricted.\\
__Minimal:__ health can be decreased by 90%, but not more.\\
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Боевые миссии отправляются из королевства, по щелчку на владении в королевстве. \\
[{Image src='at.jpg' align='center' }]\\
После отправки миссии её передвижение можно увидеть по кнопке Миссии. Чтобы увидеть состав армии - наведите мышкой на тип миссии (например, на слово «Грабеж»)\\
[{Image src='mis.jpg' align='center' }]\\
Если же на Вас идет атака - кнопка миссий станет красной (при закрытых воротах это невозможно). \\
Боевые миссии можно отозвать, пока они не подошли слишком близко к цели. \\
Чтобы отозвать - откройте строку миссии щелчком на ней. И в развернувшемся окне нажмите крестик справа от войск. \\
Возможность отозвать миссию за минуту до прибытия к цели - блокируется.\\
[{Image src='re.jpg' align='center' }]
__Maximal:__ not restricted.\\
__Minimal:__ can be decreased by 90%, but not more.\\
Pursuer`s Attack can be decreased by 90% as well.\\
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__Лимит атак.__\\
В течение суток на одно владение можно инициировать не более 2х атак. \\
Совместная атака войсками из разных городов одного игрока считается 1 атакой.\\
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__Отдых войск__\\
После того, как войска переместились из владения во владение, или вернулись с миссии, им необходима минута на отдых от передвижений. \\
Во время этой минуты они не могут перемещаться в новую миссию или в убежище. Но вступить в бой им это не мешает.\\
__The "Fortification" round is played before the battle.__\\
In this round [Fortifications|Fortification] of the defender kill a certain number of troops.\\
Units are killed proportionally to their number in the group regardless of their strength and level (except for the Mercenaries).\\
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__Combat rounds__\\
After the Fortification round the combat begins where the number and parameters of units and also presence of Pursuers-Victims in the battle is considered.\\
__Algorithms of attack calculations:__\\
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Минимальная длительность миссии - 15 минут.\\
Step 1. Calculate the attack value of the whole considering bonuses-disbonuses + attack of [Towers|Magic_Tower] and [Magic Towers|Magic_Tower].\\
Step 2. Calculate the percentage for groups and number of units in the group.\\
Step 3. Calculate the attack additionally dealt by Pursuers.\\
Step 4. Distribute the damage portions.\\
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См. также [БОЙ].
The residual damage (e.g. the Warrior group don't have enough health to take all damage) is distributed among other groups of units proportionally.\\
__Damage calculation:__ \\
[{Image src='attack.png' align='left' }]1. calculate all attack from one side\\
[{Image src='defence.png' align='left' }]2. reduce the attack value by %, equal to the defence of the other side\\
[{Image src='health.png' align='left' }]3. subtract the attack value from the health, thus you receive the remaining health of the opponent.\\
[{Image src='warrior.png' align='left' }][{Image src='victim.png' align='left' }][{Image src='horse.png' align='left' }]
[{Image src='victim.png' align='left' }][{Image src='flyer.png' align='left' }][{Image src='victim.png' align='left' }][{Image src='shooter.png' align='left' }][{Image src='victim.png' align='left' }][{Image src='warrior.png' align='left' }]\\
E.g.: The Cavalry is the pursuer for the Warriors, accordingly the Warrior is a victim for the Cavalry. \\
Combat in each round is played according to standard rules, i.e. the Cavalry deals damage to all enemy troops according to the algorithm, plus the cavalry deals additional damage only to the Warriors.
__% of losses in the battle__, \\
when you troops retreat – set in the [Main building|Buildings]. \\
For the attacker in the dialog box of the [mission|Combat].\\
At the end of each round the system check the losses limit for each army. If the limit is reached the army retreats and don't participate in the next round. If all armies from any side retreat – the combat round are over.\\
*The player who didn't reach the limit of losses while the other player have reached it is considered the Winner.
If both players reached the limit of losses in same round, the Defender is considered the Winner.
*Maximum number of rounds in battle is 20. If attacking army don't win within 20 rounds, the Attacker loses.
__In the end of battle the "Resurrection" round takes place__\\
Healers that survived resurrect fallen in battle units from their troops first, and then - units of the ally troops.\\
The process begins from the left and is exercised by one unit for each group. That is, 1 Carrier is to be resurrected fist, 1 Warrior - next, 1 Cavalary unit - next, and so on. After 1 Mage is resurrected, another Carrier is in the queue. Resurrected Healer do not resurrect units in current battle.\\
E.g.: If 10 Warriors and 100 Carriers fell in the battle, and only 20 can be resurrected, then 10 Carriers and 10 Warriors will be the resurrected units.\\
If two or more armies participate in the battle from on side, the dealt damage is proportionally distributed among unit groups for all armies considering Pursuers-Victims. Attack of armies is added together.\\
The defence bonus of [Fortifications|Fortification] is not applied to the assistance armies.
__Bonuses / Penalties__.\\
Attack/Defence Bonuses and Penalties are considered in the course of battle:\\
1. [Race/Factions|Factions] Penalties, \\
2. Native Land Bonus,\\
3. other Terrains Bonuses and Penalties.\\
2.__Native Land Bonus__ - Defence Bonus.\\
| |Magic Forest |Cursed Forest |Holy Land |Deadland
| | [{Image src='elf.jpg'}]|[{Image src='drow.jpg'}] | [{Image src='human.jpg'}]|[{Image src='demon.jpg'}]
|Elves |+25 Defence | | |
|Drow| |+25 Defence | |
|Knights| | |+25 Defence |
| Demons| | | |+25 Defence
3. Other__Terrains Bonuses/penalties__ - Attack Bonus/Penalty,%:__\\
| |Mountains |Desert| Forest |Steppe |Underground
| |[{Image src='mount.jpg'}]|[{Image src='desert.jpg'}]|[{Image src='forest.jpg'}]|[{Image src='steppe.jpg'}]|[{Image src='podzem.jpg'}]
|Warrior | -50%| 50% | | |
|Cavalry | | |-50% |50% |
|Airborne|50% | -50%| | |
|Archer | | | 50%| -50% |
|Mercenary | | | | | -50%
__Enemy garrison information.__\\
Attacker will not see enemy troops in the Battle Report:\\
* if all attacking units were killed at Fortifications,
* or if by the 1st round there are 10 times less attacking units than defending, and thus - the Attacker lost all units in the course of the 1 round.\\
__The order of calculating the attack of the troops, taking into account bonuses from spells and skills .__ \\
There are skills and spells with the following description: \\
__А .__ Attack of all troops {+/- percent} \\
__B .__ Increase attack {unit type} by {percentage} after each round \\
__С .__ Strengthening the attack of the army {percentage} \\
__D .__ Attack in each round {+/- number} \\
For each unit type affected by this spell or passive, a bonus (__A __ + __ B __) is applied to its base attack. \\
The numbers obtained for each type of unit are summed up. \\
After that, __C __ is applied. \\
After that __D __ is added. \\