This page (revision-22) was last changed on 29-Apr-2021 13:29 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:37 by Administrator

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22 29-Apr-2021 13:29 2 KB Administrator to previous
21 29-Apr-2021 13:37 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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[{Image src='sp.jpg' width='..' height='..' align='center' style='..' class='..' }]
__"Espionage"__ mission allows seeing other players’ domains from the inside. The mission can be launched by clicking the other player’s domain in the Kingdom Map.
[{Image src='spy.jpg' align='center' }]
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__In order to launch the mission you need to have:__
* Spies (that can be trained in the [Spy Guild|Spy_guild] building),
* and sufficient radius of the Spies action, which depends on the "Espionage" [science|ScienceDescription] level.
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Если 100 шпионов встретят сопротивление 10 антишпионов - в среднем погибнет 3 шпиона и 1 антишпион.
__Mission Launch Window.__ Here you choose number of Spies to perform mission.
You can also choose any your domain to send Spies from in the drop-down list of domains at the top.\\
"Espionage" is not actually a mission as we understand missions, it is not displayed in the Missions Window and limit of missions running at the same time doesn’t refer to “Espionage” missions. This mission is performed in a moment.\\
At Espionage, a __battle__ between your __Spies__ and enemy __Counterspies__ occurs.\\
If there is no Counterspies in the domain which is spied on, then Spies will get level 4 access.\\
If 100 Spies face resistance of 10 Counterspies, on average – 3 Spies and 1 Counterspy will be killed.\\
If __at the beginning of battle__ you have more Spies than there are enemy Counterspies, you will be able to view a "shot" of the enemy domain with certain __level of access__.\\
At the level 4 access all information on player’s city is available for you. \\
At the level 3 access information on troops in Sanctuary and assisting troops is not available for you; you also can’t enter buildings.\\
At the level 2 access information on garrison and sciences is also not available.\\
At the level 1 access only information on resources, number of cells and position of occupied cells is available.\\
[{Image src='spymes.jpg' align='center'}]
__Chances of getting levels of access according to Spies prevail over Counterspies, %:__
|| ||No access ||Level 1 ||Level 2||Level 3||Level 4
|0% Spies to Counterspies (meaning a lot of Counterspies)|70 |30 | 0|0 |0
|50% Spies to Counterspies (Spies are half as much)|50 |45 |5 |0 |0
|100% Spies to Counterspies (forces are equal)| 20|50 |25 |5 | 0
|200% Spies to Counterspies (Spies are twice as much)| 0| 10| 25| 60| 5
|400% Spies to Counterspies (Spies are 4 times as much)| 0| 0| 0| 50| 50
Spy Report can be saved in messages.