This page (revision-26) was last changed on 29-Apr-2021 13:46 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:42 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
26 29-Apr-2021 13:46 4 KB Administrator to previous
25 29-Apr-2021 13:42 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 29-Apr-2021 13:42 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 29-Apr-2021 13:42 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 29-Apr-2021 13:42 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 29-Apr-2021 13:42 2 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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* a random __Name __from the list (which can be changed after Hero is hired), \\
* a random __Name __from the list (which can be changed after the Hero is hired), \\
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Once the highest level has been reached, the experience can no longer be accumulated.\\
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Experience has a maximum limit. When the limit is reached, Experience will not increase anymore.
Experience a Hero gains depends on the cost of enemy units killed (calculation is performed after the Resurrection round).\\
Heroes gain Experience from killed enemy troops.
The amount of experience depends on the value of slain enemy troops. The amount of killed units is calculated after the round of resurrection. \\
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1 Experience point that goes to Attacker in case he wins equals to 5000 Gold of killed enemy units cost according to the market average rate for __Mining servers__, and 2000 Gold – for __Military servers__.\\
In case a Defender wins battle, each 20,000 Gold of killed enemy units cost will give 1 Experience point for the Defender; if loses – each 333,333 Gold.
If Attacker loses, 1 Experience point will equal to 200,000 Gold of killed enemy units cost.\\
Experience calculation:\\
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In battle against Monsters, 1 Experience Point __for Mining servers__ equals 1 Gold of killed Monster units cost and 5 Gold of killed Monster units cost __for Military servers__.\\
__Mining server__:\\
If the attacker wins, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain enemy troops * 0.0002\\
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__War server__:\\
If the attacker wins, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain enemy troops * 0.0005\\
__Mining server__ and __War server__:\\
If the attacked wins, his hero gets experience = gold value of slain enemy troops * 0.00005\\
If the attacker is defeated, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain enemy troops * 0.000005\\
If the attacked is defeated, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain enemy troops * 0.000003\\
On the War server Player1 attacked and killed 10 000 mercenaries of 1 level belonging to Player2 (value of 1 mercenary = 75 Gold).\\
Player1`s hero experience = 75 * 10 000 * 0.0005= 375\\
__Mining server__:\\
If the attacker wins over monsters, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.0002\\
If monsters win over the attacker, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.000005\\
If player attacked by monsters wins, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.00005\\
If player attacked by monsters loses, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.000003\\
__War server__:\\
If the attacker wins over monsters, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.0005 * 0.2\\
If monsters win over the attacker, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.00005 * 0.2\\
If player attacked by monsters wins, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.00005 * 0.2\\
If player attacked by monsters loses, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.000003 * 0.2\\
In a attack on War server 10 000 monster carriers of level 3 were killed, and the attacker hero gained:\\
10000 * 0.0005 * 0.2 = 1 Experience\\
__Mining server__:\\
If the attacker wins over CC monsters, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.0002*0.005\\
If CC monsters win over the attacker, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.000005*0.005\\
__War server__:\\
If the attacker wins over CC monsters, his hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.0005 * 0.001\\
If CC monsters win over the attacker, the hero gains experience = gold value of slain monsters * 0.00005 * 0.001\\
Please, notice that value of CC monsters differs from that of common monsters.
If the calculation results in fraction number, only full number is taken into account.\\
In these calculations experience bonus from scrolls and artifacts is not considered.\\
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