This page (revision-17) was last changed on 29-Apr-2021 13:45 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:34 by Administrator

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
17 29-Apr-2021 13:45 1 KB Administrator to previous
16 29-Apr-2021 13:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
15 29-Apr-2021 13:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
14 29-Apr-2021 13:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
13 29-Apr-2021 13:34 1 KB Administrator to previous | to last
12 29-Apr-2021 13:34 994 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Шахты ==> Mine
11 29-Apr-2021 13:34 994 bytes Administrator to previous | to last Здания ==> Buildings
10 29-Apr-2021 13:34 991 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
9 29-Apr-2021 13:34 975 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
8 29-Apr-2021 13:34 922 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
7 29-Apr-2021 13:34 921 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
6 29-Apr-2021 13:34 654 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
5 29-Apr-2021 13:34 651 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
4 29-Apr-2021 13:34 329 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
3 29-Apr-2021 13:34 238 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
2 29-Apr-2021 13:34 193 bytes Administrator to previous | to last
1 29-Apr-2021 13:34 187 bytes Administrator to last

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__Карьер __- внешнее владение, в котором добывается Камень\\
[{Image src='карьер.jpg' align='center' }]
__Золотая жила__ - внешнее владение, в котором добывается Золото\\
[{Image src='жила.jpg' align='center' }]
__Штольня __- Внешнее владение, в котором добывается Железо\\
[{Image src='штольня.jpg' align='center' }]
__Stone Mine__ is an Outer Domain where the Stone is produced.\\
[{Image src='stonemine.jpg' align='center' }]\\
__Gold Mine__ is an Outer Domain where the Gold is produced.\\
[{Image src='goldmine.jpg' align='center' }]
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В Шахтах нельзя строить здания. В них есть изначально только __Центральное здание__ и __Заброшенная гильдия купцов__. Чтобы вывозит ресурсы из Шахт, необходимо построить купца в Заброшенной гильдии купцов. А если нежно больше купцов - то улучшить это здание на столько уровней, на сколько Вам необходимо, но не более 7.
__Iron Mine__ is an Outer Domain where the Iron is produced.\\
[{Image src='ironmine.jpg' align='center' }]
Buildings can't be constructed in Mines. Initially there are only the __Main Building__ and the __[Abandoned Merchant Guild|z_merch_guild]__. In order to transport resources from Mines it's necessary to train a Merchant in the Abandoned Merchant Guild. If more Merchants are needed it's necessary to upgrade the Guild building by as many levels as you need, but not more than 7.
Mines also have a __"Tunnel"__. It's an analogue of the City [Gate|Buildings], including the automatic opening after 7 days since last login. Buildings don't get damaged in Pits due to the closed Tunnel after 3 days as they are situated "inside the wall". \\
It takes 5 minutes to open a Tunnel and 6 hours to close it.\\