This page (revision-64) was last changed on 01-Jun-2023 11:22 by Administrator

This page was created on 29-Apr-2021 13:42 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
64 01-Jun-2023 11:22 4 KB Administrator to previous
63 29-Apr-2021 13:27 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last
62 29-Apr-2021 13:42 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last Outer_estates ==> OuterDomains
61 29-Apr-2021 13:42 3 KB Administrator to previous | to last BlackPearl ==> BlackGem

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[{Image src='wood.png' align='left'}]__Дрова__ - добываются:
* [Центральным зданием|Здания] в городе
* зданием [Хижина дровосека|Здания]\\
[{Image src='wood.png' align='left'}]__Wood__ is produced in:
* [Main Building|Buildings] of City,
* [Woodcutter Cabin|Samwill].\\
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[{Image src='grain.png' align='left'}]__Злаки__ - добываются:
* зданиям [Мельница|Здания]\\
[{Image src='grain.png' align='left'}]__Crops__ are produced in:
* [Windmill|Windmill].\\
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[{Image src='stone.png' align='left'}]__Камень__ - добывается:
* зданием [Каменоломня|Здания]
* Центральным зданием в [Карьере|Шахты]
* иногда Центральным зданием в Копи \\
[{Image src='stone.png' align='left'}]__Stone__ is produced in:
* [Stone Quarry|Mine_stone],
* Main Building of [Stone Mine|Mine],
* and sometimes in Main Building of Pit \\
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[{Image src='gold.png' align='left'}]__Золото__ – добывается:
* зданием [Торговая лавка|Здания]
* зданием [Прииск|Здания]
* Центральным зданием в [Золотой Жиле|Золотая жила]
* иногда Центральным зданием в Копи;
[{Image src='gold.png' align='left'}]__Gold__ is produced in:
* [Trading Post|Shop],
* [Gold Plant|Mine_gold],
* Main Building of [Gold Mine|OuterDomains],
* and sometimes in Main Building of Pit;
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[{Image src='iron.png' align='left'}]__Железо__ - добывается:
* зданием [Рудник|Здания]
* Центральным зданием в [Штольне|Шахты]
* иногда Центральным зданием в Копи
[{Image src='iron.png' align='left'}]__Iron__ is produced in:
* [Iron Plant|Mine_iron],
* Main Building of [Iron Mine|Mine],
* and sometimes in Main Building of Pit.
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__Черный жемчуг__ - особый ресурс, о нём отдельная [статья|Чёрный жемчуг].\\
[{Image src='bl_pearl.jpg' align='left'}]The __Black Gem__ is a special resource. A separate [article|BlackPearl] is dedicated to it.\\
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Ресурсы добываются и хранятся в то владение, в котором или из которого построено производящее здание. Если количество хранящегося во владении ресурса достигает складского лимита, то добыча ресурсов прекращается. В городе можно хранить ресурсы сверх лимита, но тогда излишки ресурсов будут расхищаться. Чем больше превышение остатков, тем больше скорость расхищения.\\
Складские лимиты определяет количество и уровни Складов и Центрального здания владения суммарно.
[{Image src='барабан.jpg' align='center' }]Выделить и перераспределить место под ресурсы на складах можно в Центральном здании с помощью барабана.\\
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__Resources Production rate can be affected by:__
* 1. [Race|Race] features. Race Bonus is considered in initial characteristics of each race’s buildings. That is to say that Producing Buildings of different Races have different initial rate of production.\\
* 2. Terrain Bonus or Penalty:\\
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На скорость добычи могут влиять [бонусы добычи по террайну|Королевство] и [особенности расы|Расы]. Также в поселках ресурсы добываются быстрее - бонус поселка.\\
| |[{Image src='mount.jpg'}] |[{Image src='desert.jpg'}]|[{Image src='forest.jpg'}]|[{Image src='steppe.jpg'}]
|[{Image src='gold.png'}]| | +70% | |
|[{Image src='wood.png'}] | -50% |-50% |+100% |-50%
|[{Image src='stone.png'}]| +70% | | -50% |
|[{Image src='grain.png'}]|-50% | | | +200%
|[{Image src='iron.png'}] | |+50%| |
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* 3. Village Bonus. Resources are produced faster in [villages|Villages] by +30%
* 4. Pit Bonus. All Producing Buildings in [Pits|Pit] have a production bonus +100%
* 5. Quest Bonuses
* 6. [Specialisation|Spec] and [Science|ScienceDescription] Bonuses
* 7. Deposit depletion. Each Stone, Iron, Gold or a Crop deposit contains a limited amount of resource. After the full depletion of a deposit the Producing Building constructed on the deposit has Resource Production rate downfall to 1 per hour. In order to resume the normal production rate it's necessary to demolish the Producing Building and construct a [Chalice of Abundance|Recovery] that recovers resources in the deposit. When the Chalice finishes resource recovery the building self-destructs, and then you will be able to construct new Producing Building on the recovered cell.
Bonuses from 2 to 7 are shown in the appropriate buildings when pointing cursor at the production value inside the building.\\
[{Image src='ironplant.jpg' align='center' }]
In order to learn what is Resource Production provided by, enter the Main Building of a domain and point at the Resource Production value.
[{Image src='warehouse.jpg' align='center' }] \\
Resources are produced and stored in the domain where the Producing Building has been built. If the amount of resource, stored in a domain, reaches the Warehouse limit, the Resource Production stops. Stored resources can exceed the limits, but in this case, resource surplus will be gradually __plundered__. The more the surplus is, the higher the speed of plundering will be. 1% of resource lacking storage space is plundered per hour.\\
EXAMPLE: On the picture – the Gold is consumed by troops, and the surplus that doesn't have a room in the Warehouse is plundered.
[{Image src='plundercopy.jpg' align='center' }]
The Warehouse limit is defined by the number and the levels of Warehouses and Main Building in sum.
[{Image src='capacity.jpg' align='center' }]Slotting and reallocation of space for resources at Warehouse can be managed in the Main Building with the aid of the round chart. Only free space in Warehouse can be treated, in other words – it is impossible to provide less space for a Resource than it occupies at the moment.\\
If more than 999.999.999 resources of the same kind get into a domain, all resources above this amount vanish without prior warning. Resources robbery can be decreased by 100%.\\