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There are two currencies used in My Lands:
- portal currency (portal purse) ML$, common for all servers
- in-game currency Black Gems (BG), used on servers.

The exchange rate for these currencies is always the same in both directions 1ML$=100 Black Gems

Money Input#

When in the game click on the Black Gems image on the resource panel or on the number of BlackGem amount.
Choose the payment method in the displayed dialog box:

Financial account#

The account activity (in ML$) and its state can be ckecked by clicking "Financial account" in the server selection screen

Transfer of the Black Gems among servers#

You can transfer the Black Gems from any server (where you have continuous subscription) to another one. For this purpose use the "Portal Purse": exchange the Black Gems from the server to ML$, and then from ML$ back to the Black Gems on another one.

Exchnage ML$ to the Black Gems#

Tou can always transfer ML$ from the Portal to the Black Gems on any server.

Common errors made while performing payments.#